Dear Friends and Constituents of Ward 7 and the City of Springfield,
This week we welcome Summer! We've all been through a great deal in these extremely challenging and emotional times between the pandemic and the protests around racism in America. Summer is a season of hope, and I feel that the resilience of humanity is showing through all of our hard work and dedication to the pandemic. This summer I am looking forward to spending more time with my five grandchildren, as they too give me joy and hope.
All the Best,
City Councilor Tim Allen
COVID-19 Reopening Plan
Springfield, MA COVID-19 Data through June 1st
As we continue the process of reopening, I urge you to persevere with your spirit of self-determination and responsibility that has brought us this far. As you can see on the chart above, our infection numbers are going down. Throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we have been strong in our dedication to flattening the curve through social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands. In the long term, if we continue to show the same kind of self-determination and discipline around this pandemic, results should be positive and lives will be saved.
Springfield Public Schools Updates
Schools will remain closed through the summer. However, remote learning and virtual summer program opportunities will be provided.
On the state level, a "Return-to-School" Working Group will help develop a K-12 summer and fall restart and recovery plan. This plan will include guidance in physical and virtual learning environments, teaching and learning, operations and business services, and behavioral health and social and emotional learning.
Here is the big picture: The final plans are expected to have a fair amount of structure, however a small percentage of the plan may be customizable, depending on the needs of individual students and families. The plan should be out soon.
The City of Springfield is currently in Phase II Part I of the Commonwealth's reopening plan. The graphic above is from the City of Springfield's website.
Phase II
Parks and playgrounds are open, with some restrictions in place. Libraries are open for curbside pick-up, and restaurants are open for outdoor dining. Retail, lodging, and salons are open with some limitations.
In the second part of phase II, restaurants will begin indoor seating with some control. In addition, personal services with closer contact will be permitted (massage therapy, personal training, and nail salons, etc.).
According to the state, each phase will last a minimum of three weeks and could last longer depending on the data.
To see the full four-phase approach to the reopening plan for the Commonwealth of Massachusettsgo here
Press Conference
On Tuesday June 9th, City Councilors gathered on the steps of City Hall for a press conference to propose police reforms in response to the horrible death of George Floyd and resulting protests. The City Council is in the process of reviewing and proposing a handful of resolutions that involve various levels of police reform.
Councilor Fenton and I filed a resolution that calls for state professional licensure for police officers (similar to licensing requirements for other labor groups already in place). Interestingly, Governor Baker seems to be moving forward with this concept (just as we were sending the resolution to Boston).
On the steps of City Hall that day, all members of the Council present supported the resolutions proposed by five different councilors. It was a great moment of unity.
Springfield Water and Sewer Updates
With the initial proposed rate (16.9%), there was a great public outcry. We heard you and strove to get the rate down. Even after the proposal went down to 9.5%, the Council continued to advocate on behalf of our citizens to further lower the rate. Please know, we heard you, we worked hard on this and we did the best we could.
Please click here to read the full press release from the City Council on this issue.
General Updates: Police Body Cameras and Budget
Annual City Budget
The City budget has been presented to the Council. We'll hold hearings on this and the final vote is planned for June 29th.
Police Body Cameras
There is great support across the country to require police officers to wear body cameras. The cameras record their on-duty interactions. This will equally protect the police officers and the citizens who interact with them. The city is implementing the new body camera program and all officers should be equipped with body cameras by November.
Thank you for reading this newsletter. It's a challenging time for our city and our country. Stay safe and well. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at or 413-427-4650.